Lets hang upside down


Inversion Table now installed.  

Inversion is a very simple form of Traction.  Traction means pulling on part of the body.

Most often, traction uses devices such as weights and pulleys to put tension on a displaced bone or joint, such as a dislocated shoulder. The tension helps put the joint back in position and keep it still.

Traction is also used to keep a group of muscles (such as the neck muscles) stretched to reduce muscle spasms. This is called cervical traction.

As we all know gravity is pressing every single person into the planet and with age the effects become more evident!  You may notice an elderly relative who maybe in their prime was 6 foot but now for example are only 5 foot 8....have they shrunk?  No, their spines have compressed over time, the spongy discs have degenerated under years of pressure, the spine has become tighter and the mobility is then restricted!  This bio-mechanical problem can also be a cause of bulging discs, which then push out to a designated direction (Depending on the force applied) in turn irritating for example root nerves to the large sciatic nerve causing dis-ease along the leg.

The inversion table is deigned to use Gravity in the opposite direction.  It is a very safe device to the point where a client could use it on their own unattended.  Once safely on the bed and strapped in the client can manoeuvre themselves at an inverted angle or be completely upside down!  As described earlier it is then pulling on the entire spine providing a safe stretch to the spinal muscles and a full decompression to the structure itself.  

Usually 5 to 10 minutes is enough to feel the benefit!

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